Frequently asked questions
Here is the answers to the most frequently asked questions about our centre. Click on the questions to view the answers.
Bairnsdale Childcare & Kinder provide well supervised, safe Long Day Care, 52 weeks of the year. We provide:
Healthy Morning and Afternoon tea in the Pre Kinder Room (3-4 Year olds) and Pre School Room (4-5 Year olds)
Nappies, wipes, lotions, powder etc
Change of clothes
Bottles / Drink bottles
Sleeping needs (i.e comforters, teddy) -
Stop by or call at any time for a tour, to learn about our program and routines, and to meet our friendly educators.
You can also contact us by email and indicate what days you require and age of child/ren needing care and Management will be in touch as soon as possible.
As all children are unique, so too are their settling in methods. We interact with each family to meet your child’s individual needs and provide orientation strategies designed for you and your child.
Parents are encouraged to bring their child for a play to assist them in familiarising themselves with the environment and educators. You are welcome to come as many times as you feel comfortable, to allow your child to settle in.
Our service endeavour to meet the highest possible standards of care for young children. Employment of qualified and appropriate educators who share our philosophy and beliefs is of paramount importance. We strive to create a warm, loving and secure environment for your children to learn and grow.
At Bairnsdale Childcare & Kinder, the ratios we aim for are as followed:
0 - 2 years: 1 adult to 4 children
3 - 5 years: 1 adult to 11 children
At times when required we have extra educators in each room
For more information about the Early Childhood Ratios please visit the Department of Education an Early Childhood Development:
We welcome our parents to visit our services at any time throughout the day. Your contribution to the daily activities is highly valued.
If your child becomes unwell, we will contact you immediately and you may be required to pick up your child. We are committed to providing and maintaining a healthy environment so please do not send your child to the Centre if they are unwell.
We believe children learn through exploration and stimulating experiences and our play based programs offer a wide range of carefully planned activities based on each individual child’s needs and interests.
We ask that parents provide nutritious lunches and snacks for their children.
i.e. sandwiches, baked beans, spaghetti, salads, yoghurt, cheese, dried fruits etc. We encourage healthy eating.
Please do not send chocolates, lollies, chips, twisties, cheezels, rollups or peanuts etc.
Contact the Family Assistant Office on 13 61 50 or visit http://www.humanservices.gov.au/
They will assist you in receiving any Child Care Benefit you may be entitled to and will provide you with a Customer Reference Number (CRN) for you and your child.
Upon enrolment, you will be asked to add these numbers to the enrolment form.
Fees are payable by a Direct Debit System (No cash is kept on the premises) the service debits families accounts. A Direct Debit Request Agreement is required to be completed prior to enrolment, which remains confidential. All fees are automatically debited on a weekly basis (Friday).