To provide a play-based curriculum with the support and guidance of educators, that incorporates and extends on each child’s interests, learning and development in relation to the 5 learning outcomes (identity, connection with community, wellbeing, confident learner and effective communicators).
Ways we can achieve this:
for all educators to follow and implement the planning cycle that reflects play-based learning and extends on children’s interests.
document children’s interests, abilities, learning and development and relate this learning to the 5 outcomes.
opportunities for all children to engage in the curriculum.
through an environment that promotes positive behaviours and pro-social relationships between children and others.
parent partnership/input.
To protect children by providing a safe environment where they feel respected, valued and encouraged to reach their full potential. Child Safety is embedded throughout the service and is a part of everyone’s everyday thinking and practice. We recognise the importance of cultural safety for Aboriginal children, cultural safety for children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and the safety of children with a disability.
Ways we can achieve this:
to spend quality time with each child.
regular discussion/communication with parents.
acknowledge and celebrate Gunai Kurnai culture in the service.
asking children for input and giving choices.
providing culturally diverse resources.
To allow children to learn through play and encourage them to become enthusiastic learners in a safe, secure and trusting environment and to encourage them to have input into a flexible program.
Ways we can achieve this:
using intentional teaching strategies.
Opportunities for children to develop independence through everyday routines.
providing an inviting and flexible learning environment that is rich in choices and challenges.
Offering age-appropriate choices.
To develop trusting and caring relationships with families and support their uniqueness in relation to culture, lifestyle, customs and beliefs wherever possible.
Ways we can achieve this:
educators liaising with families and inviting them into conversation about their child and their needs.
opportunities for children, families and educators to share their ideas, knowledge, skills, culture, language and experiences.
to promote honest and open communication with all our families, respecting their thoughts and their opinions and incorporating these suggestions into our curriculum when appropriate.
To listen to and respect each child’s ideas and assist them to feel a sense of belonging and happiness in their environment.
Ways we can achieve this:
to acknowledge what children say and respond to this in a positive way and to encourage their independence and sense of agency.
follow children’s interests to give them a sense of accomplishment and to scaffold their learning to help develop their skills.
to provide a warm and welcoming learning environment that promotes secure, respectful and reciprocal relationships between children and educators.
To listen to families, respect and support them in their role of parenting
Ways we can achieve this:
to listen to what families have to say and respect their feedback, ideas and suggestions and to give support when needed.
Incorporating respect or diversity by acknowledging the unique cultural backgrounds, languages and values of our families.
For educators to acknowledge and support each other and work together to support children’s individual learning and programs, in a workplace which supports on going professional development and skills.
Ways we can achieve this:
open communication between educators.
for all educators to have input into the curriculum.
to provide educators with ongoing professional support such as staff meeting, workshops, training, and open communication with management.
for educators to work together towards the same goal.
To create learning areas with elements from the natural environment (garden, sandpit, worm farm) etc that reflects a sense of belonging and allows children to explore and provides opportunity for learning, creativeness and expression.
Ways we can achieve this:
look at the environments around our community and endeavour to introduce these into our learning environments.
to provide natural resources for children to explore and engage with.
to continue to build on our sustainability practices.